Multigranulation information fusion: a Dempster-Shafer evidence theory-based clustering ensemble method.

Authors: Feijiang Li, Yuhua Qian, Jieting Wang, Jiye Liang


Authors:Feijiang Li, Yuhua Qian, Jieting Wang, Jiye Liang
Abstract: Clustering analysis is a fundamental technique in machine learning,which is also widely used in information granulation. Multiple clustering systems granulate a data set into multiple granular structures. Therefore,clustering ensemble can serve as an important branch of multigranulation information fusion. Many approaches have been proposed to solve the clustering ensemble problem. This paper focuses on the direct approaches which involve two steps: finding cluster correspondence and utilizing a fusion strategy to produce a final result. The existing direct approaches mainly discuss the process of finding cluster correspondence,while the fusing process is simply done by voting. In this paper, we mainly focus on the fusing process and propose a Dempster-Shafer evidence theory-based clustering ensemble algorithm. The advantage of the algorithm is that the information of an object's surrounding cluster structure is taken into consideration by using its neighbors to describe it. First, we find neighbors of each object and generate its label probability outputs in every base partition. Second, these label probability outputs are integrated based on DS theory. Theoretically, our method is superior to other voting methods. Besides, several experiments show that the proposed algorithm is statistically better than seven other clustering ensemble methods.

Keywords: Multigranulation, Information fusion, Clustering ensemble, Dempster-Shafer evidence theory
Multigranulation information fusion: a Dempster-Shafer evidence theory-based clustering ensemble method.


multigranulation information fusion a dempster-shafer evidence theory based clustering ensemble method.pdf

Sat Jun 24 00:00:00 CST 2017