



电子邮箱: genghaijun@sxu.edu.cn




博士,毕业于清华大学,于2018年获得山西省“三晋英才”支持计划青年优秀人才称号。一直从事人工智能、网络体系结构和路由算法等相关领域的研究,并且在研究领域取得了丰硕的成果。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项;作为主要参与人,参与国家自然科学基金项目3项,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)2项。在国际重要学术会议ICNP、ICC、IwQoS、ISCC和IPCCC做口头报告6次。近年来在TON、TPDS、JNCA、ICC、Neurocomputing、Computer Communications、CMC、JCN、ICNP、IwQoS、ISCC、IPCCC、软件学报和清华大学学报等国内外重要学术期刊和会议发表论文40余篇,其中SCI检索论文9篇、EI检索论文21篇。授权专利4项。担任Journal of Network and Computer Applications、Computer Communications、International Journal of Communication Systems、IEEE Communications Letters、CMC等期刊的审稿专家。




[1] Haijun Geng, Han Zhang, Xingang Shi, Zhiliang Wang, Xia Yin. Efficient computation of loopfree alternates, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020,151: 1-12. 

[2] Haijun Geng, Han Zhang, Xingang Shi, Xia Yin, Zhiliang Wang, Ju Zhang, Zhiguo Hu, Yong Wu. A Hybrid Link Protection Scheme for Ensuring Network Service Availability in Link-state Routing Networks, Journal of Communications and Networks, 2020, 22(1): 46-60. 

[3]耿海军, 施新刚, 王之梁, 尹霞, 胡治国. 基于最小路径交叉度的域内路由保护方案,软件学报,2020,31(5):1536-1548.

[4] Zhiguo Hu, HongRen Yan, Tao Yan, Haijun Geng, Guoqing Liu.Evaluating QoE in VoIP networks with QoS mapping and machine learning algorithms,Neurocomputing,2020,386:63-83.

[5] Han Zhang, Xingang Shi, Haijun Geng, Zhiliang Wang, Qianhong Wu, Jianwei Liu, Xia Yin. DA&FD-Deadline-Aware and Flow Duration-Based Rate Control for Mixed Flows in DCNs, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,2019, 27(6): 2458-2471. 

[6] Zhiliang Wang, Han Zhang, Xingang Shi, Xia Yin, Yahui Li, Haijun Geng, Qianhong Wu, Jianwei Liu. Efficient Scheduling of Weighted Coflows in Data Centers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,2019, 30(9):2003-2017. 

[7] Haijun Geng, Xingang Shi, Zhiliang Wang, Xia Yin.A hop-by-hop dynamic distributed multipath routing mechanism for link state network,Computer Communications,2018,116:225-239. 

[8]耿海军,施新刚,王之梁,尹霞,尹少平. LFA算法的一种高效实现方法, 软件学报,2018, 29(12): 3904-3920.

[9] 耿海军刘洁琦,尹霞. 基于段路由的单节点故障路由保护算法, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 58(08): 710-714. 

[10] Haijun Geng, Xingang Shi, Xia Yin, Zhiliang Wang, Shaoping Yin. Algebra and algorithms for multipath QoS routing in link state networks, Journal of Communications and Networks,2017, 19(2): 189-200. 

[11] Haijun Geng, Xingang Shi, Xia Yin, Zhiliang Wang. An Efficient Link Protection Scheme for Link-state Routing Networks, ICC 2015

[12] Haijun Geng, Xingang Shi, Xia Yin, Zhiliang Wang. Algebra and algorithms for efficient and correct multipath QoS routing in link state networks, IWQoS 2015

[13] Haijun Geng, Xingang Shi, Xia Yin, Zhiliang Wang. Dynamic distributed algorithm for computing multiple next-hops on a tree, ICNP 2013.